Brother's Supermarkets - Case Study

776 Dudley St.
Dorchester, MA 02125
617 265-4616

Case Study: Reinventing Brothers Supermarkets with Tomas Soto Marketing


Brothers Supermarkets, a prominent chain with four locations, aspired to elevate its brand identity and bolster its digital visibility. For over five years, Tomas Soto Marketing has been at the helm of their transformative journey, driving consistent branding and expanding their digital footprint.

Problem / Solution / Result:

  • Problem: Despite being an established chain, Brothers Supermarkets needed an updated brand image and an enhanced online presence to resonate better with contemporary customers.
  • Solution: Tomas Soto Marketing undertook a comprehensive brand revamp – from refining the logo to crafting a uniform graphic design concept. The expansion into digital platforms, website development, and diversified content creation served to amplify their online visibility.
  • Result: With a refreshed brand image and a strong online presence, Brothers Supermarkets has achieved a reinforced positioning in the market, resonating with both existing and new customers.

Starting Point / Turning Point / End Point:

  • Starting Point: A reputable supermarket chain with a traditional approach to branding and limited digital engagement.
  • Turning Point: The logo refinement, cohesive branding initiatives, and the inception of a dynamic digital strategy marked the transformative phase for Brothers Supermarkets.
  • End Point: Now, the chain not only has a modern and consistent brand image but also boasts a robust digital presence, engaging customers through varied online channels.

Challenge / Solution / Outcome:

  • Challenge: The supermarket’s vast range of services and products required diversified promotional strategies and materials to capture the essence of each department.
  • Solution: Tomas Soto Marketing designed over 100 digital flyers, utilized high-definition monitors for in-store promotions, organized professional photoshoots, and crafted videos showcasing various departments, ensuring each segment received tailored promotional content.
  • Outcome: The supermarket’s offerings, from the grilled chicken dishes to the bakery items, have been effectively highlighted, leading to increased customer awareness and sales.

Opportunity / Strategy / Results & Outcomes:

  • Opportunity: To leverage the physical touchpoints in the supermarket for promoting online engagement and seamless customer experience.
  • Strategy: Design elements like wrapping delivery vehicles, creating to-go menus, and designing QR code stickers were initiated. These strategies not only provided essential information but also drove traffic to the online platforms, such as the ordering page.
  • Results & Outcomes: The fusion of offline and online promotional strategies has led to an enriched customer experience, driving higher footfall in stores and increased online engagement.


Brothers Supermarkets’ collaboration with Tomas Soto Marketing has been a tale of continuous growth and innovation. Through strategic branding decisions, digital marketing efforts, and a keen focus on customer experience, the supermarket chain has experienced a substantial boost in its market standing and customer engagement. The case underscores the power of synergized offline and online marketing initiatives in reshaping a business narrative.